Golnaz Broomandi graduated from the University of Science and Research in Tehran in 2005 with a Bachelor's degree in French translation. She then continued her studies in the same field after moving to France and graduated from Paris' Sorbonne Nouvelle University 'and' National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilization ', INALCO' in 2009. She continued her literary career Paris has a co founder of a publication called "Naakoja" and succeeded to a platform for young, writers and translators in and out of Iran, which has been dramatically censored, by the Iranian Government. Meanwhile, Golnaz French translation into Farsi Golnaz also collaborated with performance and theater groups, narrating films and producing cultural programs for Iranian television broadcast both in France and in the UK. Since 2016, Golnaz has also pursued his interest in photography, focusing on documenting the world around her; The camera becomes a new tool for her to record and express her thoughts through a visual medium. 

More recently, Golnaz has taken part in different groups and solo exhibitions in Iran, France and other European countries. Her interest is in discovering a poetic aspect of people and their interactions in their normal life within the society; each frame being a single window to the world of a stranger, a passerby or someone she might have encountered in a cafe, on the bus or behind a window glass; capturing an image of people.

Golnaz present body of work seems to occupy a position between the theatrical work and that of the poetic realities of normal life. 

Groupe show:

  • Koln, Germany Aout 2021 (upcoming)

  • Ispahan Mars 2021

  •  Sanfransisco- aout 2019

  •  Istanbul-2018

  • Tehran-2017

Solo show: 

  • Tehran,  Nov 2019